Outdoor Club Gear Check Out
As our outdoor club grows so do the opportunities for our members. We have a growing inventory of items that club members can take advantage of using. These items currently (as of the end of October) include: turkey hunting videos, deer hunting videos, predator hunting videos, deer calls (doe bleat cans), box calls for turkey, slate calls for turkey, gobbler calls for turkey, buck rattle bag, one roll of burlap for making a blind 12’ long, and a pop up ground blind. More items are currently being requested and may become available soon.The criteria for checking out gear are as follows:
1—You sign this sheet assuming responsibility for the gear and replacement of such if it becomes damaged, destroyed or lost.
2—You use the gear in an ethical manner to harvest game and you do not loan it out or leave it unattended and unsecured. In other words, don’t leave the pop up blind out in a field overnight or leave a deer call out in the rain. Don’t loan it out to a friend or play with the item on the bus. IE—Wipe off or wash the mud or dirt off the blind before returning.
3—You secure your parent’s permission to borrow the item.
4—You are willing to write a gear review on the item after you used it (see back for guidelines). Well done reviews will be published with more opportunities to use other gear.
5—Gear loans will be done on a case by case basis depending on demand for that item. Most gear will only be loaned out for a few days to a week. However, items can be checked out longer such as over Christmas break.
I, ____________________________ hereby agree to the terms of the gear check out and will take good and reasonable care of the items (____________________) I use. My parents are aware of and agree to me checking out the items.
Student signature_______________________
Parent _______________________
Guidelines for Gear Reviews
Gear reviews are simple. They are written to inform others of the positive and negative points or attributes of a piece of equipment. I would hope that most of you have read a movie or video game review.Write a gear review on the item you used by doing the following:
1st—Write a description of the gear. This is often done by rewording the tech specs on the packaging
2nd—Write about how you used the gear (a few sentences will work)
3rd—List the good points of the gear (such as nice camo pattern or call was loud but not too loud) and then the bad points or things that you feel need improved if there were any. Sometimes you may not feel the gear had any improvements necessary.
4th—Be fair. This is not a time to bash the product maker unless they totally deserve it. Keep in mind that products are not miracle workers. Sometimes operator error can contribute to poor performance. Just because you did not get a deer or turkey does not mean it did not work. Maybe you need a few times using the gear to get it to work.
5th—Send the gear review (done in WORD) to mfike@kgcs.k12.va.us. I would like to forward the reviews to the company that contributed the gear so keep that in mind. If they are well written I can get them published and ask your English teacher to award you extra credit for writing it. They should be short (less than 500 words but over 150 words).
6th—If you are successful in the field take a photo with your game and the product.
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