Friday, August 22, 2014

Welcome to the 2014 2015 school year!

We hope to begin the new school year with a bang (maybe literally with some of the members having a successful youth day at the end of September)!
Some changes this year for the club include:
1--We plan to have a few more after school events than we did last year.
2--Last year's active club members that participated in the after school events are welcome to attend and enjoy or help out. (please let us know you are coming!)
3--We have a tentative plan of the following for the fall after school and off school property: a possible fishing event at a local pond, a possible bird dog demonstration, possible youth hunt seminar, and maybe a catfishing trip.

The more you all participate the better the club will be. Please let us know what you all want from us and we will do what we can to accommodate.
Don't forget we will often have our after school meetings in the room we now use in the votech building.
Please see this link to keep apprised of upcoming events and/or visit this site each week for updates!

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