Thursday, October 23, 2014

Upcoming meeting October 30th and one November 20th

Tracking a wounded deer
Mr. Woods and Mr. Limbrick did a nice job teaching the youth outdoor club members how to track a wounded deer. The activity took place in the woods after school and approximately half of the group was able to find the "deer". Mr. Woods explained about arrow placement and Mr. Limbrick discussed how to follow "sign" such as blood, upturned leaves etc... in the woods.

We are tentatively planning on having a meeting on October 30th at KGMS for those interested in learning some tips for tracking deer. Mr. Woods and Mr. Limbrick will be creating a "trail" with red paint to simulate a hit deer that takes off through the woods. Students will be schooled on some ways to determine where the deer would go and what to look for.
Students should visit either of the two leaders for a sign up form starting October 27th. Space is limited due to the nature of the meeting. This meeting will run after school from 2:30- 3:45 and parents MUST pick up by 4 PM. We cannot stay any later. Please be prompt.

Wildlife biologist visit
We are planning on hosting our district wildlife biologist on Thursday November 20th at KGMS in Mr. Fike's room (meeting location may change to the Outdoor Club room in the vo-tech building if we have it ready in time). Aaron Proctor is the district biologist in charge of deer management, turkey and he is on the feral hog task force as well. If you want to ask questions about any of the above or hunting and game management type questions, come listen to a brief presentation by Mr. Proctor about his job and duties and then participate in the Q/A session. This is a great opportunity to visit with a professional about their job and get your questions answered. This meeting will run after school from 2:30- 3:45 and parents MUST pick up by 4 PM. We cannot stay any later. Please be prompt. Sign up sheets will be available the second week of November.

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