Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Deer Tracking/Recovery Meeting Wednesday, November 2nd

UPDATE:We are FILLED and the EVENT is no longer open. If the event goes well, we may do it again for others that are interested.

Outdoor Club Meeting
Tracking Deer
Have you ever wanted to know how to recover a deer you shot or arrowed? It is not always easy. Mr. Fike will be offering a meeting to discuss and show students some tricks to following a hit deer and tracking it down so it can be recovered and the meat does not go to waste.
We will initially meet in my classroom at 2:30, have some discussion and then venture outside to have a practical exercise in the woods. Due to the nature of the meeting, I am limiting the meeting to no more than 8 students. First come, first served. I will be choosy on which students I permit to stay after as we are going to be in the woods. Students that want to participate should wear appropriate clothes to be outside in the woods.
The meeting will be held if we have at least 6 students signed up.  Parents should pick up their students at the FRONT of the school at 4 PM. The meeting goes from 2:30-4 PM on Wednesday. Please do meet the students at this location.
I, _____________________ __________________ (please print your name)  give my permission for my student, __________________________ __________________ ( student’s name) to stay after for the outdoor club meeting on Wednesday, November 2nd. I will pick up my student by 4PM.  My cell phone number is ______________________________ in the event that I need to be contacted.  My e-mail is _________________ in the event the meeting is canceled due to lack of interest. Emails will be sent Tuesday evening to let parents know if the meeting will be held. Students must abide by all school rules while at the outdoor club meeting. They may bring a snack to eat during the meeting.
Thank you,
Mark Fike   Outdoor Club leader

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