Friday, January 24, 2014

Wild Game Dinner

UPDATE: Our Wild Game Supper will be March 27th from 6:30 PM -7:30PM. It is open to those that see Mr. Woods, Mr. Fike or Mr. Limbrick and sign up near Mr. Fike's door.  Space is limited. We will need students to stick around for about 15 minutes or so after the supper to help clean up so we can continue to do these events. At the current time we have venison chili coming, venison roast, squirrel stew, venison stir fry, wild turkey stir fry with sweet peppers, chukar, venison stew, venison tacos, a few deserts and some rice. 

We could use some Clorox wipes to help clean up, side dishes such as veggies, paper plates, bread and butter, cutlery, to wipe things down, paper towels for clean up, napkins, maybe another desert, cups, ice, more drinks. Do we want to bring salad?  

This will be a very informal dinner (jeans are perfect) to just enjoy the kids and some wild game dishes. Please bring enough of whatever you wish for your family to share with other families. Parents and siblings welcome. We need to try to be cleaned up by 8PM though. So, come on time and enjoy!

Outdoor Club Members,

Please consider attending our first ever Wild Game Supper at KGMS. We have not worked all the details out yet but here is what we do know:

  1. The supper will take place in March and is planned at KGMS. It will probably take place on a Thursday evening.
  2. Any outdoor club member and their parents are welcome to attend.
  3. Those attending are asked to bring something to contribute to to the supper. This can be a prepared wild game meat, a casserole, vegetable side, desert or paper plates, plastic cutlery or cups or drinks. Please plan on bringing enough to share like a pot luck supper. We don't want to come up short on food. We rather you take food home to share than not have enough.
  4. We will need members to stick around for a few minutes after the meal to help clean up. 
  5. A sign up sheet will be posted when we nail down a date. Those attending MUST sign up so we can get a head count.
  6. Right now we are planning on having venison, squirrel, rabbit and wild turkey prepared in a few different ways and we may have pheasant or quail too. 
  7. Please check back weekly to this website for updates and please listen to announcements at school. 

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