Friday, January 24, 2014

New Room Clean up

We want to thank the students and parents that showed up to help us clean up our room. We made good progress on the room and hope to fully move in next week or very soon after. Mr. Fike hopes to have some jerky making on Weds. the 26th of March. We also will have the turkey call making event very soon. 

UPDATE: Mr. Limbrick set the room clean up date as March 19th, which is a Wednesday. We will be done by 4 PM. On that same day Mr. Fike plans on having some venison in his room for students to slice and make jerky from. See Mr. Limbrick for info on cleaning up the room and see Mr. Fike for jerky making. 

Outdoor Club members,

We have secured a room where we can store our gear, have meetings and enjoy a space for ourselves at our school. This room comes with a small catch. It has been used for storage and there is a LOT of clean up that needs done. Sometime during the first two weeks of February we would like to take a day after school and meet to reorganize and clean up the room so we can begin meeting in it. We eventually would like to set up an archery range in the room as well. Please stop by to let one of the club leaders know if you can help us out. If we get enough help we can be done by 4PM. Maybe we can even get pizza or snacks to have after we are done.
See Mr. Woods, Mr. Limbrick or Mr. Fike if you want to help us out!

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